Mental Coach
A former professional footballer, I am now a Mental Coach.
I accompany you on your life path so that your heart is restored and success is your ally in everything you undertake.
The following lines will help you understand where I'm coming from so that you can grasp my intentions.
When I was 13, I was abused.
At the age of 14, I joined the AS Cannes training center and later the St Etienne one.
Uprooted from the family cocoon, I found myself left to my own devices.
When I was 15, my father died, as did my brother years later.
My professional career began at the age of 18.
Divorce, financial problems, 4 operations in the course of my career.
I've never been able to go a season without injury, and at the age of 30 I ruptured both ligaments and tore a bone in my ankle.
I've been lucky enough to play for various clubs in France and England.
It's given me the chance to experience some intense moments, some great victories.
And yet, despite all the suffering I've endured, I've always felt fulfilled.
Indeed, my objectives were set in the right place.
After yet another injury, my career came to a premature end at the age of 30.
From then on, my sole aim was to accompany people who needed support, guidance and encouragement.
That's why I took a certification course in mental preparation with the Qualiopi-certified organization LNF - Les Nouvelles Formations.
Creating this company is a miracle when you look at my past.
Never forget: everything is possible for those who believe.
Today, armed with both practical and theoretical experience, I offer rigorous, personalized and holistic support.