Emmanuel Mental Consulting
Emotional intelligence
Available today from 9am to 7pm
06 25 11 08 61


Amine Linganzi Mental Coach, Professional Coach in Aix-en-Provence, France

Amine Linganzi: From professional footballer to mental coach.

By understanding who we are, we can grasp our destiny.

I'm convinced that each of us possesses unsuspected gifts.

Bringing them to light helps build self-confidence.

Self-confidence develops performance and excellence.

My vocation is to accompany all those who need support in advancing their projects.

My role is to identify your talents, to help you walk from victory to victory, but above all to remain at peace.

Who are you? What is your mission on this earth? What is the meaning of your life? What are your gifts, skills and qualities? What personal resources do you draw on? Where do you set your goals? Are you unmotivated?

Amine Linganzi, emotional intelligence

Amine Linganzi

Mental Coach

A former professional footballer, I am now a Mental Coach.   

I accompany you on your life path so that your heart is restored and success is your ally in everything you undertake.

The following lines will help you understand where I'm coming from so that you can grasp my intentions.

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